Monday, May 2, 2011

I am woman hear me roar...

So... apparently I am a feminist if I defend myself, but if I don’t then I become the very thing I am trying to prove I’m not. I cannot win in this situation. Excuse me for being born a female; just the way God wanted. I miss the days when we could all just be people.

Feminism is annoying. I am a woman. Women are equal to men in some aspects, unequal in others. There is physiological proof that SOME women are stronger than SOME men in SOME areas. Contrariwise, SOME men are stronger than SOME women in SOME areas.

Also, I am not what society calls “girly”. I prefer jeans, converse, and a fitted black T-shirt over a dress any day. I like a lot of the same things that guys like. I like hanging out with guys more than girls. I sometimes act like “one of the guys” or make “guy” jokes. And for some reason, this gives you the right to laugh and joke; saying I’m a lesbian. How does not wanting to hang around girls make me a lesbian? I am not. I don’t have anything against lesbians. That is just not my orientation. I like dudes… except for when they are jerks, but everyone can be a jerk sometimes. Just learn to recognize when you are doing so, and stop.

Monday, March 21, 2011

How the rules of surviving a Zombie Apocalypse apply to College Life...

Rule #1: Cardio
You have to walk A LOT. And you have to walk EVERYWHERE!!!

Rule #2: Beware of Bathrooms
I cannot emphasize enough how important is is to wear shower shoes and avoid fungus. EW. And it's not weird to put down some toilet paper on the seat if it looks extra disgusting.

Rule #3: Seatbelts
Of course it is important to wear seatbelts, but in this case I am referring to the things that are there just in case... like counselors, chaplains, CA's, RA's, or whomever. They are there for you to keep you from recking yourself. :)

Rule #4: Double Tap
Always double-check your work before you turn it in. It will save you from getting a bunch of points taken off for stupid mistakes.

Rule #5: No Attachments
It is important to keep friends close to you, but do not let them interfere with your schoolwork or any major decisions you might have to make.

Rule #6: Travel in Groups
Study groups are a very good idea. People may know things that you missed and it is sometimes helpful to have something explained by a peer.

Rule #10: Be Quiet
There are quiet hours for a reason. Please respect them. Not only does it annoy people but it prevents them from studying or sleeping. You don't have to go around whispering all the time, but you should avoid running down halls screaming at the top of your lungs.

Rule #12: Don't Be a Hero
Don't try to be involved inEVERYTHING and don't try to remain the center of attention at all times. It takes up way to much time and energy and you have to LEARN TO SAY NO. You can't do everything.

Rule #13: Limber Up
You need to learn to accept diversity and see the perspective of other people. It's ok to disagree with people, but it is helpful to know why you disagree with them and recognize that their belief means as much to them as yours does to you.

Rule #24: No Drinking
Don't party so hard that you wil do something you regret or wake up in the morning and miss class.ESPECIALLY IF YOU PLAN TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE!

Rule #32: Enjoy the Little Things
After being here a little while you begin to appreciate the little blocks of time when NOTHING is scheduled. And some days when you are a little bit ahead of schedule, walk a little slower to your class. Enjoy the sun and appreciate nature a little bit. Even learn to appreciate the little tastes of home you get like twinkies or paper snowflakes... :)